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Disaster Exploitation

Worldwide news incidents undeniably hold a compelling influence, captivating our focus and stirring our feelings. Be it the repercussions of a natural catastrophe or the chaos of political developments, such narratives have the potential to attract a vast audience. Regrettably, it’s during these periods of intense focus that malicious actors take advantage of the situation to initiate phishing attacks that leverage these extensively covered events. By exploiting the empathy of those keen to assist and the fervor stirred by political incidents, these cyber offenders successfully carry out their malevolent plans.

The past week’s events have been no different. From the assassination attempt of a former president and the current president dropping out of the presidential race to the CrowdStrike global technical issue, cybercriminals, aware of the emotional responses that such incidents can provoke, have been capitalizing on these events by creating misleading websites and emails with links or attachments. They construct these emails with subject lines and headlines that are intimately connected to the current news landscape. They aim to entice the recipients into opening these emails, leading them to mistakenly think they are accessing trustworthy information.

During these national newsworthy events, your online safety should be a top priority. Here are some actionable steps to take:
  • Confirm the Sender: Before responding to any email, always ensure the sender's identity. Use official contact details to verify the email's legitimacy by reaching out to the organization or individual.
  • Don't Click Links: Avoid clicking on links embedded in emails, particularly if they're unexpected or from unfamiliar senders. Instead, enter the official website's URL directly into your browser.
  • Be Cautious of Attachments: Be aware that attachments can be a vehicle for cyberattacks. Only open attachments if you're sure they're genuine.
  • Listen to Your Instincts: If an email seems strange or asks for unreasonable things, be wary. Trust your gut feeling and discard any suspicious emails without further interaction.
  • Keep Yourself Updated: Stay informed about the newest phishing strategies and cybersecurity protocols. Knowledge is half the battle and crucial to stay a step ahead of cybercriminals.

    For more information and helpful tips on cyber-safety, please visit our Cybersecurity Center!